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inkaso lavastovilie, 60 cm
inkaso lavastovilie, 60 cm
15 min SpeedWash - Plus for the quickest results
16 place settings - Plus for as many as 16 place settings
Automatic programme - Always spotlessly clean dishes
Disponueshmëria e produktit sipas vendndodhjes së dyqanit
Plotësisht inkaso lavastovilie, 60 cm
Lavastovilie · GDV670SD
Disponueshmëria e produktit sipas vendndodhjes së dyqanit

15 min SpeedWash
Plus for the quickest results
Imagine throwing a dinner party and the dishes from the main course are cleaned in the time it takes to serve dessert. You can speed up the 20 min programme with the SpeedWash function so that it will do your dishes in only 15 minutes. Perfect for handling the volume of dishes created by having multiple guests in the house.
Plus for as many as 16 place settings
Gorenje+ offers an XL dishwasher model with surprisingly spacious interior. Three baskets allow washing up to 16 place settings at a time! The fully flexible interior allows for different loading options, the use is simple and the washing effects are perfect.
Always spotlessly clean dishes
The innovative sensor technology allows the machine to automatically perceive how soiled the dishes are; as a result, there is no need to select the dishwashing programme. Gorenje+ dishwashers also feature an automatic programme that selects the most appropriate temperature zone given the type of dishes being washed. Thus, glassware and porcelain items will be washed excellently at low temperatures, while heavy duty pots and pans will be treated with higher temperatures. The advanced sensor technology will always adjust your dishwashing programme to clean dishes perfectly with optimized water and energy consumption.
Clean dishes, lower electricity bill
All Gorenje+ dishwashers offer the option to program the washing cycle start up to 24 hours in advance. This function allows you to plan your dishwashing cycle during the hours of lower power rates or to have clean dishes just when you need them.
Always a clean baby bottle
A special programme prolongs the exposure of dishes to hot water. After an additional cycle of cold rinsing, it washes the dishes at 75 °C which has a sterilization effect, which eliminates most of bacteria. The programme is particularly suitable for baby bottles and other baby food containers.
Gorenje+ dishwashers are designed to work with hot water connection (max. 70 °C) instead of cold. Choosing a hot water connection cuts programme times and reduces the dishwasher's electricity consumption. A solution friendly to the environment and your family budget.
Perfect surveillance
The careful placement of the LED spots elegantly illuminates the dishwasher’s interior that enables easy loading and unloading.
No more bad smells
The advanced IonTech technology built in Gorenje+ dishwashers operates on the principle of the natural process of ionization, which naturally eliminates odors and keeps your dishwasher fresh, even when it is full of dirty dishes for a few days.
Only 6.9l per cycle
Efficient and economical use of the world's most valuable resource: water! Gorenje+ dishwashers employ modern technological solutions that significantly reduce water consumption! Compared to manual dishwashing, use of water can be up to ten times lower! The best models use only 6.9 litres of water per dishwashing cycle.
Adjusted to every single pot
Truly simple three-level basket adjustment system allows you to use the Gorenje+ dishwasher to efficiently wash cookware of unconventional dimensions: large pots, jumbo plates, high stem glasses etc. The system of simple adjustment is accessible from both ends of the basket which makes it even simpler. Dishwasher interior can be quickly adjusted to your needs!
Rapid daily wash
The short intensive program takes just one and half hour to do the job. Excellent results are delivered by optimizing all stages of the dishwashing cycle. You may also use it when the machine is fully loaded!
Always perfectly clean dishwasher
Selfcleaning programme for antibacterial cleaning of the dishwasher tub, spray arms and spray pipes will help you maintain your dishwasher perfectly clean without any scrubbing.
Faultless filter operation
Special automatic system prevents the filter from clogging up and a special rinsing system prevents any faults in filter operation and require significantly less cleaning.
Control and changes of process
Navigating your dishwasher has never been easier. All the controls are located at an ergonomic position with a straightforward left-to-right logic of operation. While all models excel with the white LED display, some of the more advanced models are also enriched with touch control. Just one touch is enough to start the dishwashing process.
Installing the dishwasher to an ergonomic height
Dishwashers are adapted for installation at an ergonomic height. Thus, the discharge hose is installed at a level that is lower than the dishwasher bottom, as if it were installed directly into the drain in the floor. The anti-siphon safety valve prevents the water from leaking out of the dishwasher during the dishwashing process.
No louder than a whisper
The most silent dishwashers operate at declared noise level of 41 dB which is equivalent to a whispering conversation of two persons. The silent operation comes as a result of special sound insulation, efficient motors, high-quality materials and innovative solutions of the dishwashing system.
Special place for cutlery and longer utensils
The upper basket is designed especially for cutlery and longer utensils. The cutlery pieces are positioned separately so that they do not scratch and can dry out perfectly. Longer utensils which tend to obstruct loading of other dishes or even slip to the bottom of the tub during washing are now provided with their own dishwashing space.
Do not worry about water spillage
Even if you let the dishwasher to operate during the night or when you are away, there is no need to worry. In case of a leakage or flooding, AquaStop automatically cuts off the water supply while the pump siphons the residual water out of the dishwasher basin. AquaStop is activated throughout the appliance's useful life.
Plus for always perfectly dry dishes
After the washing cycle, the dishwasher door automatically opens just slightly to let out the excess steam. This allows fresh air to reach the crockery so the washed items, like plastic dishes, dry completely. Excellent for quick drying with low energy consumption.
XXL space for dirty dishes
Essential parts like spray arms or tub of Gorenje+ dishwashers are made of high-quality stainless steel. The quality of steel prolongs the appliance's useful life. Dishwasher with a height of 86 cm is a perfect match for the kitchens with worktop height adjusted to the users. Impressive 56cm fully inox tub, one of the largest on the market, holds enough space for all your needs. Even 35 cm plates on XXL and 31 cm on standard size dishwashers!
Detajet teknike
Detajet teknike
Informacion i pergjithshem
Tipi i produktit
Materiali i krahut spërkatës
Performanca e pastrimit
Performanca e tharjes
Inverter PowerDrive
Max i temperaturës së ujit në hyrje
70 °C
Funksioni i Wi-Fi
Kontroll me prekje
Treguesi i përfundimit të larjes
Sinjali i dritës - zërit
Fillimi ndalimi
START i shtyrë deri në 24h
Funksioni 3 në 1
Programet e larjes së enëve
Program i shpejtë 20 min
Programi ekonomik ECO
Program automatik
Larje intensive
Program i shpejtë 20 min
Programi ekonomik ECO
Program automatik
Larje intensive
Krijim i programit vetjak të preferuar
Programe të memorizuara
Program i shpejtë dhe intensiv QuickIntensive
Temperatura(t) e larjes
Numri I cilësimeve të vendit
16 copë
Kosh në pjesën e sipërme
Derë rrëshqitëse
Mentesha derës e ndryshueshme
Dritë e brendshme
Po, 2 ndriçues LED
Statusi LedLight
Mundësi shtesë
Funksioni i larjes së shpejtë (4 programe shtesë larje)
TotalDry, hapje automatike e derës
Programi i vetëpastrimit
TotalDry, hapje automatike e derës
Programi i vetëpastrimit
Sensori i pastërtisë së ujit
Sensor për nivelin e ujit
Sensor për nivelin e ujit
Sistemi i dozës automatike
Numri i koshave
Koshi i sipërm
Një suport i përthyeshëm për gotat
Stendë e gjerë për thikat
Vendi i djathtë i përthyeshëm për verën
Bazë e gjerë me rrjetë
Dorezë me logo plastike
Vendi i përthyeshëm i majtë për verën
Stendë e gjerë për thikat
Vendi i djathtë i përthyeshëm për verën
Bazë e gjerë me rrjetë
Dorezë me logo plastike
Vendi i përthyeshëm i majtë për verën
Shporta e poshtme
Bazë me rrjetë të gjerë
Dorezë me logo plastike
Pjesa e përparme e përthyeshme / e ndashme
Dorezë me logo plastike
Pjesa e përparme e përthyeshme / e ndashme
Vendi i sipërm
Dorezë me logo plastike
Me ndarje teleskopike
Me ndarje teleskopike
Mbrojtja nga tejmbushja
Total AquaStop
Funksion diagnoze
Materiali i tamburës (kazanit)
Veshja e brendëshme me inoks
Të dhënat teknike
Regullimi i lartësisë
70 mm
596 mm
817 mm
Thellësia e produktit
556 mm
Gjerësia e madhësisë së kamares për instalim min.
600 mm
Lartësia e madhësisë së kamares për instalim min.
820 mm
Thellësia e madhësisë së kamares për instalim min.
570 mm
Gjerësia e produktit të paketuar
640 mm
Lartësia e produktit të paketuar
890 mm
Thellësia e produktit të paketuar
665 mm
Pesha bruto e pajisjes
39.6 Kg
Pesha neto
37 Kg
Volt (V)
220-240 V
Kodi i artikullit
Kodi EAN
Ndihmë dhe mbështetje
Ndihmë dhe mbështetje
Shkarkoni manualet e përdoruesit
Projekti i montimit
Instructions for use
Instructions for installation
Energy label
Product sheet
Product fiche
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